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Green-Go 2014

  • 2014. november 05.
  • Csilla

Szeretnél David Attenborough nyomdokaiba lépni? Van olyan forgatókönyv-ötleted, ami akár a mozivászonra is kerülhet? Ha igen, akkor FORGASS FILMET ÉS NYERJ VELE!

Waste sector sees opportunities in higher European waste ambitions

  • 2014. november 04.
  • Csilla

The European Union is charting a course to the circular economy. Last July the Commission proposed a set of more ambitious waste targets, the key target being 70% recycling of municipal waste and 80% recycling of packaging waste by 2030. From 2025 landfilling of recyclable waste will be prohibited. The waste sector expects to profit from these ambitious targets.
