Vendel, Timi és Tóni
Recycling and eyewash
A specially modified bus was wandering around Hungary last year. The huge, smoke-blowing Tetra-Brik box � owned by the Tetra-Pak company - visited schools where, at the request of the school management, the driver gave lectures on environmental issues.
Costs of the Coca Cola feeling
We would like to write about the presentation of Coca Cola rather than the actual product itself. 92% of the Hungarian Coke market is in the hands of two multinational giants which explains why we have to think about their marketing activity and its impact on the environment.
Where has the bottled milk gone?
Shopping and environmental awareness
Most people don't realize that their consumption choices necessarily and directly relate to the global problem of the growing mountains of waste.It is good to know that half of the household waste (yearly 200 kg per capita) is packaging waste.
Advertisements in schools
Schools often ask the Waste Management Working Group (HuMuSz) for advice on how they can resist the more and more aggressive invasion of commercial advertisements. As the problem of companies trying to advertise in schools is rather common, and because HuMuSz has been involved since the outset in preparation of the new advertising law , our organization would like to recommend the following:
Healthy School canteen
Program-heads in trouble
The Ministry of Environment, under the administration of the new Small-Holder Party minister, wastes time, postpones decisions, makes the wrong ones, but probably the most damaging move � especially environmentally - was making radical cuts in the budget of the program-managers responsible for waste collection and recycling.