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New year, new focus: European Environment Agency priorities in 2014

  • 2014. január 08.
  • névtelen (nem ellenőrzött)

The new 5-year work programme of EEA sets new environmental policy priorities

The new 5-year work programme of the European Environment Agency (EEA) − starting from 2014 − sets new environmental priorities for the upcoming years. The basis of the new priorities is the 7th Environmental Action Programme (EAP), which has been approved at the end of 2013. The key topics of the new programme include ensuring a healthy environment and a resource efficient economy for human well-being.
In 2014 the main focus will be on a more efficient use of resources (e.g. improving recycling rates and waste treatment). The concept of “circular economy” will be also a highlighted issue, where waste is regarded an important resource, which shall be fed back to the economy as the raw material of various other processes.
2014 is also the starting year of a new Multi Annual Work Programme of the European Environment Agency, running from 2014 to 2018. Work is to be continued towards the objectives and targets of the Europe’s 2020 agenda with the involvement and help of many partners.
The full article can be found on the website of European Environment Agency (EEA).

European Environment Agency