Reduce, reuse, recycle: regional policy and local actions
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The website is dedicated to the Visegrad Fund Standard Grants Programme project won by Humusz. Project partners: ARNIKA - Program Toxické látky o odpady (Czech Republic), Poliski Klub Ekologiczny w Krakowie Kolo Miejskie w Gliwicach (Poland) and SOSNA o.z. (Slovakia). All information and related material is available here. Check out for updates!
About the project:
The project's aim is to enhance recycling and reuse activities in V4 countries by analyzing the current waste management trends and possibilities, training municipality representatives in waste reduction strategies and generating best practice examples on local level. Our approach to the waste problem is twofold: looking into the situation on a policy level and generate concrete, community-based solutions for waste reduction.
Project partners' websites
Project elements
2. Training for municipality officers
3. Position paper on Circular Economy Package
4. Best practices of waste prevention
1. Kick-off meeting @Budapest
The meeting took place between 8-9th August, 2016 in a friendly atmosphere and with interesting discussions.
2. Training for municipality officers
22nd February 2017, Budapest, Hungary
Hosted by Humusz.
Training material can be downloaded here.
25th March 2017, Benátky nad Jizerou
Hosted by Arnika
Training material can be downloaded here.
29th March 2017, Tychy, Poland
Hosted by Polski Klub Ekologiczny
Training material can be downloaded here.
27th April 2017, Družstevná pri Hornáde
Hosted by Sosna
Training material can be downloaded here.
3. Position Paper on Circular Economy Package
Member States of the European Union have to comply with certain waste management targets specified in the Waste Framework Directive as 50% household waste recycling and preparation for reuse by 2020. However, the Circular Economy Package first published in July 2014 and then in December 2015 contains amendments to the Directive visioning higher targets and other measurements by the year 2030. Even though the proposed numbers have decreased in 2015 compared to 2014, they still pose a great challenge to Member States already lagging behind the current legally binding targets.
Non-governmental organizations from V4 countries such as Arnika from Czech Republic, Humusz from Hungary, Polski Klub Ekologiczny from Poland and Sosna from Slovakia looked into the situation regarding their own nation’s performance taking into consideration the potential new targets.
Read the common position here.
Analysis of Slovakian situation.
Analysis of Hungarian situation.
4. Best practices of waste prevention
Within the project it was important to show how the local community and/or the municipality can help bringing the town on the path to zero waste.
Green Festival in Slovakia by Sosna
How can a festival be zero waste? Find out!
Helping a municipality to reduce waste in Czech Republic
Waste analysis, feedback on waste management plan, survey among the citizens. Learn more about the story of Benátky nad Jizerou.
Area rehabilitation with waste prevention features in Hungary
A popular hiking place had been rehabilitated with the help of the local community. Read about the work the volunteers had done.
Ecological picnic in Gliwice, Poland
During the picnic there were worshops about zero waste, art and gardening workshops and even a scavanging game. Read more about the event.
Project funded by: