
Bio-, energy- or IQ-drink?!

A dairy company started to sell a new product made of cheese whey with the name in the title of this article. It was packaged in Tetra Brik. This is how the most complicated consumer interest story of the last years started. After a hard struggle the Commercial Jury (Gazdasági Vesenyhivatal) made its decision on 24th of April: IQ energy drink produced by WES Rt. has nothing to do with either IQ, energy or organic products. The product cannot be advertised and sold claiming these attributes. It also turned out during the procedure that official permission to market the product hadn't been given till the end of February 1997, and especially as this is food - this is more than embarassing.

Advertisements in schools

Schools often ask the Waste Management Working Group (HuMuSz) for advice on how they can resist the more and more aggressive invasion of commercial advertisements. As the problem of companies trying to advertise in schools is rather common, and because HuMuSz has been involved since the outset in preparation of the new advertising law , our organization would like to recommend the following:


The glass reprocessing industry is in a lamentable situation. After the Sajoszentpeter glass factory closed following a change of owners in February 1999, glass reprocessing almost ground to a halt in Hungary. It now looks like the Oroshaza factory is about to follow suit (same owner!) but still, there is a little hope!

Happy Waste Dumps

After five years of preparation, the law on environmental products tax was introduced in 1995. The law serves to save natural resources and create funds for restoration after accidental damage. The government negotiated the draft with representatives of industrial corporate systems and multinational companies who left nothing to chance.
