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Fiatalok Lendületben Program

  • 2010. december 01.
  • Géczy Anna
Európai partnereket keresnek egy igazán különleges, átfogó, újszerű nemzetközi környezeti nevelési - ifjúságsegítő képzés projekthez. A program főként a Work That Reconnects csoportmunkára, környezeti és fenntarthatósági nevelési és módszertani műhelymunkákra, csoport-tanulásra és személyes coaching-ra épül.

Fiatalok Lendületben Program

Európai partnereket keresünk egy igazán különleges, átfogó, újszerű nemzetközi környezeti nevelési - ifjúságsegítő képzés projekthez (Fiatalok Lendületben Program). A program főként a Work That Reconnects csoportmunkára, környezeti és fenntarthatósági nevelési és módszertani műhelymunkákra, csoport-tanulásra és személyes coaching-ra épül. 

Kérlek, ha van bárhol Európában olyan ismerősöd, kollégád (ifjúságsegítő, fiatalokkal nem-formális közegben dolgozó környezeti nevelő vagy a témában érdeklődő lelkes fiatal) akit érdekelhet, juttasd el hozzá! 

Köszönettel és üdvözlettel, 

A csapat: 
Berecz Ági, Kármán Era, Pajor Zsófi 

[email protected]


Call for participants and partner organisations:


Passion For The Earth – European Training Course for youth workers and peer educators


The Hungarian Colour- Space Association of Pécs organisation call for participants for this exciting 9 days training course, aiming to support youth workers, educators and peer educators to establish deep, meaningful and successful environmental education activities for young people.

WHEN and WHERE? 9Th - 17th April, 2011, Hungary

WHAT? - What is the programme about?

The course creates space and support for participants who will learn and share methods and strategies for setting up non-formal educational activities for young people both in the field of outdoor environmental education and education for sustainability, get to know good practices through workshops and field trips and exchange.

WHY? - Objectives

The course aims to support the participants through a learning process where they:

- Learn and exchange, discover, understand and re-establish their values, motivation and passion for environmental youth work

- Share experience, methods and good practices through workshops and field trips in the field of outdoor environmental education and education for sustainability

- Develop projects and partnerships for future environmental youth projects

HOW? Methodology

- Group work based on Joanna Macy's “Work That Reconnects”

- Methodology workshops: outdoor environmental education and education for sustainability

- Exchange good practices from each other and through field trips

- Personal reflection and coaching

- Film screening and evening discussions

- Theoretical inputs: environmental youth work, current ecological challenges

- Optional morning yoga sessions

- Learning and sharing in a group

- Group contribution

WHO? - The Organiser Team

The programme will be facilitated by trainers experienced in environmental youth work and personal coaching, professionals from the field of outdoor environmental education and education for sustainability and external experts

Who can apply?

- Youth workers

- Professionals working in environmental education planning to work with young people,

- Young people who would like to establish environmental programmes (“peer educators”

What else?

We will take part in film screenings, evening discussions, and experts' theoretical inputs, enjoy a natural, chemical free environment and good-quality vegetarian food, time for personal reflection and an optional joint morning yoga sessions.

For a lighter climate - impact, please plan your travel by train or coach – we (and the Earth) would appreciate it!


This is a project proposal for the 4.3. action of the European Youth In Action Programme.

If you are interested, please send a brief introduction (previous experience, main interests and training needs of the person interested to attend) and the attached PART III by your organisation, by the 25th of October to [email protected]