Nyergesújfalu: HOLCIM plans to incinerate both domestic and hazardous waste
A ’Piromania’ has been sweeping across Europe. Now, Holcim has spotted Nyergesújfalu, a small town in Northern-Hungary where a hazardous waste-incinerator and cement works are planned to be built.
As ’alternative fuel’ 75.000 tonnes of waste would be incinerated whose 1/3rd is supposed to be hazardous waste.
The factory is about to be built right next door to the water reservoir of Tát and Nyergesújfalu (two small towns in the neighbourhood). So, in case of an accident the drinking water of 10 settlements would be in danger.
The accident of the Dorog incinerator last year made it clear that perfect safety does not exist in these factories.
Apart from endangering clean water, air pollution is also a problem, since incineration would emit extremely dangerous heavy metals and dioxines, which would seriously damage health.
Local environmental activists have been canvassing for signatures. The subscribers have been asking the local council to represent their opinion saying the establishment of a new hazardous waste-incinerator is unacceptable.
More and more settlements are against the new investement which would seriously endanger both water and health.
Holcim belongs to the great ’Greenwash’ movement. This firm established the ’Business Committee of the Substantial Development’ where they are ’imitating the environmental protection’ with companies such as: Dow Chemical, Shell, Bayer, BP etc. Meanwhile its cement works are exceed the limits.
Some examples: a fine of 223.000 dollars in Midlothion, Texas, in 2002, 576.000 dollars in Dundee, Michigan, 1999 because it overwent the limit of health by 750%.
In Hungary, Lábatlan ( a small Hungarian town close to the ones mentioned above) has been fighting against the incineration of Holcim.
So far no result.
written by Attila Szuhi,
by UA