Educational trail – Dragon in the garden

Each stop of our educational trail covers a main theoretic area of waste management, but the children don’t need to know these. It is enough if they have a fun time, and realize through the games what they can do to reduce the amount of garbage. It may come to their mind a few years later that waste burning dragons don’t solve all of our problems. Besides the waste burner dragon there are fishing ponds in the garden made from barrels, in which the kids can selectively fish for the garbage thrown into it... We have a bowling track, too, the point of which is to knock down all the disposable plastic bottles while the refillable glass bottles remain standing. But to make sure that what we say is not just hot air, we were out to make use of as much material doomed to be garbage as possible in the garden: the benches and the fence are built from recycled plastic, the paths are made from dissolved brick, taken up cobble stones and asphalt pieces, the old sandbox is converted into a pond, the compost container is framed from broken pallets, the flowerbed borders are of empty champagne bottles. All these are too good to waste! It may sound unbelievable, but it even looks good! Reuse makes you creative!