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Budapest Municipal Waste Incinerator

  • 2005. július 24.
  • humusz
incinerat1.jpg "The only municipal waste incinerator in Hungary operates in Budapest..."
The only municipal waste incinerator in Hungary operates in Budapest, and the operator is the Municipal Cleaning Maintenance Co. (Fővárosi Közterület Fenntartó Rt.). It was built in 1981 in an industrial zone inside the borders of the city. As much as 60-65 % of the municipal solid waste of Budapest is transported here. The heat energy from the incineration is transformed into electricity, so it ensures the electricity for approximately 100 000 people and distant heating of 25 000 people.

Since incinerator presently is being renovated, the problems presented below represent the situation in the recent past.

The hazardous waste transported into the incinerator means serious problems. This portion is not separated as according to the employees of the incinerator it means only 1-2 % of the incoming waste. The recyclable waste is not separated from the waste, not even the glass and metals. Although the appropriate equipment for the separation is available at the incineration, the operation of that hasn’t been considered as economical.

The most serious environmental impact of the incinerator is originated from the emitted harmful materials. It has emitted into the air dioxins, hydrochloric acid, scale and heavy metals. The incinerator met the environmental requirements when it was established but after 10 years, in 1991 the environmental requirements become substantially stricter. From this time not only the environmental authority but the public and so Budapest Municipality Committee dealt with the issue that the emitted dioxin was 10 times, the dust is 600 times (!), the hydrochloric acid 6 times more than the environmental value limit. Budapest Municipality Committee made a decision on implementing a modern gas filter even in 1993, but there was no decision on the financing background of the 7 billion HUF (~28 5oo ooo €) investment between the government and the leaders of Budapest. The inhabitants in the neighbourhood fiercely demanded the closure of the incinerator. The court suspended the operation of the incinerator in 31 March 2003, but the closure of the incinerator did not take long time.

Since then the renovation of the incinerator has started, two burners and the gas filter have been renovated. The remaining two burners are to be renovated later, according to the plans it will be ready by the second half of 2005. The investment costs 19 billion HUF (approx. 77 551 000 €). This amount is financed by the government, Budapest Municipality and the operator company together.