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Swedish waste prevention ecolabel launched

  • 2015. január 01. 01:00
  • Csilla

A new ecolabel to promote reuse and repair was launched in Sweden on Thursday. The Miljönär label is thought to be the first such scheme in Europe, said a spokeswoman for organiser Avfall Sverige, the Swedish waste management association. The scheme will be funded by municipalities.

The long-term campaign aims to prolong the life of products, helping to reduce waste in line with European and Swedish environmental objectives. But the label will be carried by businesses that extend products’ lives – such as shoe repair or second-hand shops – rather than on products.

Avfall Sverige hopes that 70% of municipalities will be participating in the scheme within two years. It does not have a target or estimate for the number of businesses to be involved in the scheme.
The first phase of the project will be raising awareness among businesses, while the first label will be awarded next week.

The European Environment Agency warned last month that most member states’ waste reduction plans were inadequate.

Source: ENDS Europe