
2014. január 31.

Denmark radically changes its current incineration based waste management policy

2014. január 23.

The most hazardous plastics and certain plastic bags should be banned by 2020

2014. január 13.

56 percent of respondents support new EU waste targets according to the results of the consultation on European Waste Management Targets

2014. január 08.

The new 5-year work programme of EEA sets new environmental policy priorities

2014. január 03.

Junk food to be banned in non-biodegradable packaging in Himachal Pradesh state

2013. december 20.

Single charger for notebook computers will significantly reduce e-waste

2013. december 12.

A recent Spanish pilot project proved that deposit and refund schemes bring multiple benefits for all

2013. december 06.

According to the Danish Government’s new approach to waste Denmark would significantly increase recycling together with the reduction of incineration

2013. november 29.

Egyptian Christian minority with tradition of turning a profit from recycling given official role in city's waste processing

2005. augusztus 19.
