
2015. január 23.
2015. január 22.
2015. január 16.

The term circular economy may be new to finance, but the concept is not. The circular economy has caught on in large part because of the need to eliminate waste, where the breakdown of one system leads to the creation of another.

2015. január 05.
2014. december 29.
2014. december 18.

A European Environment Agency review of member states’ waste prevention plans has indicated that there is “substantial room for improvement”, with most lacking effective measures.

2014. december 18.

The replacement for the scrapped circular economy package may contain more non-legislative policies to help cut the administrative burden of implementing EU waste goals, environment commissioner Karmenu Vella suggested on Wednesday.

2014. december 17.

The decision has not been made yet, but the new incinerator in Dél-Pest would be part of the district heating system.

2014. december 15.

Juncker and Timmermans are withdrawing proposals that people want, that are good for our health, economy, and for the environment.

2014. december 12.

Killing draft laws designed to prevent 58,000 premature deaths and increase recycling would be economic suicide, say MEPs.
