International Plastic Bag Free Day
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The Directive 2015/720 Plastic bags ADOPTED in April 2015 was to reduce for for the consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags in Europe. Were Member States to Transpose it into Their national legislations by 27 November 2016 and Introduce measures to Achieve the Objectives still modest but vital reduction of 90 bags per person per year by 31 December 2019, and 40 bags by December 31 2025th
More than 100 billion bags annually are Used in Europe, and just end up in landfills, incinerators or as litter and in aquatic environments Alongside, taking centuries to degrade and creating Unprecedented damages to marine ecosystems. In Addition, These Producing bags requires millions of barrels of oil per year, contributing significantly to climate change.
The International Plastic Bag Free Day, celebrated around the world on July 3rd, is a unique occasion for our Organizations and the whole Break Free From Plastic movement to spread the word hurt a plastic bag free world is Possible, WHERE sound environmental alternatives to single- use plastic bags are Used and reused.
More than seven months after the transposition deadline, the result has been disappointing, with many Member States showing the Lack of reliability to the Commitments They have made. Some have only taxe plastic bags, set voluntary agreements with the private sector, or simply relay the Commission's message about the risk posed by plastic pollution. Unfortunate no harm Member States have demonstrated audacity, ambition nor Effectiveness in transposing this Directive mandatory, to the detriment of the environment it is.
While the European Union is aiming at Strengthening its profile as a leader against plastic pollution at the regional and international level, some of its members are undermining its efforts by inhibiting it from delivering on this topic of Major Importance, repeatedly praise by European Citizens.
On this International Plastic Bag Free Day, we urge EU Member States to take more ambitious measures against plastic bag pollution, Ensuring full compliance with the Directive Plastic bags, and opting for the phasing out of single use plastic bags.
Press contacts:
Gaëlle Haut - Coordinator for the 'Ban the Bag' Campaign, Surfrider Foundation Europe [email protected], +32 487 25 1418
Delphine Lévi Alvarès - European Coordinator of the Break Free From Plastic movement, Zero Waste Europe [email protected], +32,478,712,633
More information:
#EnoughExcuses: Surfrider Foundation Europe's links to video and report
#BreakFreeFromPlastic: link to the Break Free From Plastic movement