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Eunomia assesses European residual waste demand

  • 2016. május 01. 02:00
  • Alp
Waste consultancy Eunomia predicts that Northern Europe will have around 14 million tonnes of surplus residual waste treatment capacity by 2030

The company published ‘Residual Waste Infrastructure Review’ for its fifteenth anniversary on 24th of May. Unlike previous editions of the report who concerns the UK, the tenth edition scrutinizes the demand for residual waste treatment capacity and the supply of waste in 11 Northern European nations. These countries are the UK, Germany, Sweden, and Netherlands, as well as waste exporting nations such as France, Norway, Ireland, Poland and the Czech Republic alongside Belgium and Denmark.



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 Adam Baddeley, the lead author of the report, is hopeful about a pan-European perspective and stressed that an international market’s emergence for the waste sector may affect the countries’ waste policies.


The report says that currently five countries already have more treatment capacity than waste: Germany leads with 2.7 million tonnes, followed by Poland (19.8mt) and France (18.9mt). Eunomia claims that the UK has only 6.4mt of residual waste more than the treatment capacity that is operational and the UK is continuing to move towards a situation where the supply of treatment capacity for residual waste exceeds the demand for the service.



More info and sources

The report