2010. január 26. 03:56
The Ministry of Environment, under the administration of the new Small-Holder Party minister, wastes time, postpones decisions, makes the wrong ones, but probably the most damaging move � especially environmentally - was making radical cuts in the budget of the program-managers responsible for waste collection and recycling. |
2010. január 26. 03:56
2010. január 26. 03:56
Mission |
2010. január 26. 03:56
Catapult on Earth Day |
2010. január 26. 03:56
Quiz: |
2010. január 26. 03:56
After five years of preparation, the law on environmental products tax was introduced in 1995. The law serves to save natural resources and create funds for restoration after accidental damage. The government negotiated the draft with representatives of industrial corporate systems and multinational companies who left nothing to chance. |
2010. január 26. 03:56
The glass reprocessing industry is in a lamentable situation. After the Sajoszentpeter glass factory closed following a change of owners in February 1999, glass reprocessing almost ground to a halt in Hungary. It now looks like the Oroshaza factory is about to follow suit (same owner!) but still, there is a little hope! |
2010. január 26. 03:55
Ilyen egyszerű ez. Mondjuk, kimaradt két Csrrr, amikor kicsengetjük a doboz árát és a szemétdíjat, de ettől most igazán el lehet tekinteni, végül is egy Ssss... Stockholmba a tét! |
2010. január 26. 03:55
2010. január 26. 03:55